Camp FAQ
2024 Jackson County Junior Fair Camping Rules
Please read carefully these rules and how they affect you.
Due to strict enforcement of regulations by the Jackson County Health Department, the camping rules have changed. Your signed application indicates that you understand and agree to abide by these rules.
17.2 In campgrounds, camping units, including canopies and similar appurtenances, shall be separated from other camping units on adjacent campsites and all campground buildings and structures by a minimum distance of ten (10) feet.
Click HERE for a printable version of the Application for Registration for the 2024 Jackson County Junior Fair.
2024 Jackson County Junior Fair Camping Rules
FRIDAY, JULY 19th BETWEEN 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
SATURDAY, JULY 20th BETWEEN 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
You will receive a postcard with your camping locations.
There will be no parking of campers on Sunday, July 21st.
Please understand, no campers are to leave the campground before 6:00 am on Sunday, July 28th.
Temporary electric may not be available until Sunday, July 21st evening and will be discontinued Sunday, July 28th around Noon.
Each Camper will be given one parking pass. Parking pass needs to be hung from the rear-view mirror. Only one vehicle will be allowed to park at the camper. Extra vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense. Please park extra vehicles in the designated parking areas. There will be no 2nd car passes given.
Vehicle parking will be strictly enforced. Anyone that violates the parking rules will be given a warning. If violations continue, your camping privileges will be terminated for the remainder of the fair. If you lose your camping privileges, your application for future camping will have to be approved by the camping committee.
Any 4-wheeler, golf cart, etc. must be approved each year by the fair board. The privilege is reserved for fair personnel and those individuals who require special consideration for medical or other reason. Again, use of these vehicles must be approved by the fair board.
If you have any question, please feel free to call:
John Curry 372-3229 or 532-1232
Steve Eagle 532-9942
Jackie Carney 372-3960
Fair Office 372-5066
The Jackson County Junior Fair Board of Directors appreciates your cooperation!
2024 Jackson County Junior Fair Camping Rules
Camping is for board of directors. fair personnel, and Livestock exhibitors. Other camping requests will be considered should sites become available.
All new exhibitors must start in primitive and move up as spots become available. Camping spots cannot be given away or handed down. Campers are not guaranteed the same spot each year.
Please understand we will do our best to accommodate all requests.
Due to strict enforcement of regulations by the health department, camping spots will be limited. There must be ten (10) feet between each camper.
Water, sewer, and electricity are limited. Please understand that all hookups must be shared. Please plan accordingly. (i.e., RV extension cord, adapter, water T, etc.) Campers must keep the wastewater and sewage tank valve closed except for dumping. After dumping, remove hose from sewer trap.
Electrical problems of any kind such as breakers kicking out or loss of power must be reported to the camping committee. Only licensed fair electricians are allowed to fix electrical problems. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Do not attempt to fix your electric. This is a safety hazard. All extension cords must meet electricians and/or fire marshal’s specifications and/or recommendations. You may be asked to change your cord if it is found to be inferior at your own expense. Electricians have the right to inspect all extension cords, fans, air conditioners, and electrical appliances. Power outages are out of the fairgrounds control. Should a power outage occur, the committee will do everything possible to get it restored as quickly as possible. Outside lights and appliances are prohibited. Only factory installed air conditioners are allowed. Campers are only guaranteed 20-amp service.
Due to fire hazard, gas cans must be stored away from campers and generators.
The Jackson County Junior Fair will not be held responsible for any electrical repairs or damages to campers while on the campground.
Everyone must have season passes or they must purchase season passes when they park their campers.
Only one car pass will be issued per camper.
No exhibitors are permitted to stay alone overnight without parental supervision.
Curfew is 12:00 Midnight or 45 minutes after the end of the last event.
Be considerate to your neighbors
No loud voices or music after curfew
No parties on the fairgrounds
No alcoholic beverages allowed on the fairgrounds
No pets on fairgrounds.
All sewer totes are expected to be emptied at the dumping station located below the steer barn. Do not dump sewer totes in restrooms or on the ground. During the week of fair, the sanitation personnel are available to pump out your holding tank for a fee. Contact the fair office at 304-372-5066 to schedule a time for service.
Please help keep the campgrounds clean. There will be trash cans on the grounds.
Please understand no campers will be allowed to leave the campgrounds until 6:00 am, Sunday, July 28th.